Today Kraemer Brothers is participating in the annual AIA conference and exhibition at Monona Terrace in Madison where we are excited each year to touch base with architects we have worked with, are currently doing projects with, or who we look forward to teaming up with in the future. Architects represent one of the three main team members in any Kraemer Brothers construction project, the other two being the project owner and Kraemer. Events such as this are a great opportunity to share ideas and for Kraemer Brothers to offer our unique pre-construction and construction services. Please stop and say hello next time you see us at one of the many conventions around the state throughout the year. Recently, we exhibited at the April 22 cheese industry conference at the Alliant Center, the April 16 health care conference held at the Kalahari Resort in Lake Delton, and the March 19 assisted living conference, also at the Kalahari.