Reedsburg Area Medical Center (RAMC) held its ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new primary clinic earlier last week. With an aging Physicians’ Clinic and an uptick in rural healthcare needs, RAMC decided to invest in a new primary clinic rather than renovate an outdated facility. After receiving responses from its annual Community Health Needs Assessment, RAMC pinpointed critical areas of need. Designed by EUA, this clinic expands primary care services, including behavioral health, women’s health, diabetic care, and family practice. Walk-in care and a pharmacy have also been incorporated in this innovative facility. After touring multiple healthcare facilities, RAMC has decided to implement a self-rooming process for patients. Under this system, patients register for their appointment in a centralized lobby and are assigned an exam room. Upon entering their designated exam room, providers are notified that they are ready. This eliminates multiple waiting rooms and adds privacy to each appointment. Integrated care team areas foster collaboration between nurses and providers and offer quick access between offices and the exam rooms. The overall goal is to improve the patient’s experience in an otherwise anxious environment.