RAHS received quite the Christmas present this year. The wrestling mats are on the second floor, the Reedsburg High School Beaver’s colors are on the walls, and the athletic equipment is in place. The Reedsburg High School Athletic Building is complete and ready for the students to use after they come back from Christmas break. This addition to the existing high school was started in June and completed in just 7 months. The fitness facility will provide roughly 5,000 square feet of space — about the size of a small gymnasium. The second floor is a multipurpose room of the same size that will be used for a variety of sports and uses, including wrestling practice, track practice and workout space for physical education classes.“ One of the huge driving forces behind it was to be able to expand our phys ed curriculum, to provide more facilities for health and wellness and strength and conditioning for our phys ed classes,” said Reedsburg Area High School Athletic Director Bryan Yager.